Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ras Malai for Indian Cooking Challenge for April ~ Step By Step Recipe!

After lot of consideration I finally decided on Ras Malai. I had no trouble finalizing the recipe as I knew from our blogger Meet that Lavi's recipe comes out good. Then I got lot of suggestions from ICC members, so based on reading the I finally did on my own, which obviously must be the reason why my paneer wasn't so soft as it must be. I have never tasted Ras Malai till now but for once. I knew I was going to take this and had to know how it tastes. So I know it was very soft and spongy.

Let me explain how I went about with Step by Step pictures!

I normally make Paneer at home using Lemon Juice.

Once the paneer curdles, hang it in a muslin cloth till the water drains off.

While the paneer is getting drained, have the Milk boiling, add sugar and boil till it reduces and becomes thick.

Knead the paneer with All purpose flour and make equal balls of the size as seen in the picture.

When you have all the dough made into balls, you will have something like this.

For the Sugar Syrup, bring to boil the water added with sugar, Gently add the paneer balls and cook on sim

Until it is almost done. Squeeze out the excess sugar from the balls.

Finally add the paneer balls into the Milk Syrup and refrigerate until it is served.

Ras Malai

I did with just 1/2 liter Milk for paneer.

Ingredients Needed:

Milk - 1 litre (1/2 litre for making paneer and 1/2 litre for making Rasa/Milk syrup.)
Lemon - 1 medium
Water-2 cups
Sugar- 8 tbsp (4 for Sugar Syrup and 4 for Rasa/Milk Syrup) + 2 tbsp Condensed milk
Saffron- 3-4 pieces
Cashew Nuts - 5 whole
Almond - 4 whole
Maida / All purpose flour- 1/2 tsp

Making of Paneer:

I followed the normal way I make Paneer.

Lavi recommends storing the whey water, though I normally have not used it much.

Since I used a skimmed milk, I didn't get much of the fat from the milk. I directly proceeded to make the paneer.

Preparing the Paneer Balls.

If you are ready to make the balls right away, then allow the paneer to hang for 15 mins, proceed right away. Else store it in fridge and thaw it before using it. I stored it overnight and thawed for 30 mins before making the balls.

Knead the paneer well with your fingers, add 1/2 tsp all purpose flour. continue kneading it for 10 mins, until you get a soft dough. Divide into small equal balls, remember these are supposed to absorb and will become double

Preparing Sugar Syrup:

I used a non stick wide pan with lid for making the Sugar Syrup. Add 2 cups of water and 4 tbsp of sugar. Let it boil. When it starts boiling, gently add the paneer balls. Simmer the flame and cover with the lid. I thought it might break but fortunately it held its shape. Cook for 10 minutes in slow flame.

The water almost got absorbed, I didn't have much to squeeze out.

Preparing Milk Syrup/Rasa:

You can start making the Milk Syrup, when you are doing the sugar syrup. Take milk in a wide bottomed vessel and let it boil and get reduced into half of the quantity. Add sugar and mix well. Soak the saffron in hot milk and keep it aside. When the milk is almost thick, add the condensed milk if you have in hand. Then goes the saffron to the milk. Put the paneer ball's into the rasa/milk syrup. cool it down and refrigerate.

Serve with chopped nuts on top.

Notes: Mine wasn't as spongy as it should be. Maybe it had to do with the paneer not being very soft. Will have to try again to get the spongy Ras Malai.

To all my ICC members, please link your Ras Malai post to Mr. Linky.

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