Saturday, January 31, 2009

Microwave Paneer Cheese Rolls!

Well I had lot of plans for making something interesting and elaborate in microwave this month for my Microwave Easy Cooking event hosted by dear Raji. She did send a gentle threatening mail, saying afterall its my event, and I got to send her an entry...Ok, I know I have been kind of held up with lot of other things, that I hadn't been able to do things that I planned. I guess it happens to the best of us, so I can be excused. But how can I ignore her note, knowing well I got to pinch in!

Anyway brainwave for this roll came from the fact that Peddu loves bread and I was kneen on introducing him to Cheese. I had already given Paneer cubes and he liked it. When I show him bread, he is ready to eat it anytime. That is his love for bread. And he loves Jam and Sauce. Chinnu doesn't like neither. Konda loves both. Well I have a choice I know, so I decided to do this roll, that I normally do with either Jam or Potatoes.

Coming a bit early home today, I went along to pick them from school. The boys were elated seeing me, and we all happily took a ride back home. I knew I had to do something nice for them to munch on, so decided to do this immediately. Its very simple and there is really no recipe for this. You can let your imagination take charge!

Ingredients Needed:

Fresh Bread slices - 4
Cheese cube -1
Paneer - 150 gms
Salt to taste
Chili powder - 1/4 tsp
Pepper powder - a pinch
Oil - 1 tsp
Butter/ Ghee - 1 tsp

Method to prepare:

Fresh bread works out fine for this, as you need to roll them out flat using the rolling pin. Trim the ends if you must, most times I leave them on.

In a microwave bow, crumble the paneer, add the salt, spice powders, Oil and micro for 20 secs. The paneer will get soft but well mixed with spices.

Once you have the bread all rolled out plain, top it with the paneer and grated cheese. From one end, roll it tight, covering the paneer.

Brush the bread with ghee, micro on wire rack for 1 min.

Serve hot with sauce!

Peddu loved this a lot, am sure I am going to experiment a lot with the stuffing to suit toddlers

Sending this to Raji @ Rak's Kitchen, who is hosting the MEC themed on Paneer this month. Sorry Raji for such a late entry, hope you like this and make it for your lil one!

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